The Basics

Each coaching session runs for about 1 hour. The appointments are held via Zoom, but arrangements can be made for face to face appointments in Melbourne once social distancing is lifted.

First Meeting

Currently I am offering the first session free to see if we are a good fit before you commit. I learn more about what you hope to get out of coaching, and you can get a sense of my coaching style.

Before a Session

I recommend prior to each session taking 10 – 15 minutes to settle into your space, sit with your thoughts, reflect on what you would like to get out of the session and identify any key things you would like to discuss.


The structure will vary depending on what you are seeking from these sessions. Often, we will recap our previous conversation. If you have set specific goals we check in on your progress. We also discuss anything that has changed since your last appointment. There does not always have to be a fixed formula. If you have something you want to talk about it, raise it, regardless of whether it is connected to what we have previously spoken about. If it is important to you, it is important to me.

Follow Up

I recommend staggering sessions either weekly or fortnightly however I am here to work around your schedule. In between sessions if you find yourself wanting to clarify something we spoke about, have a burning question or want to share a milestone or accomplishment I would love to hear from you. I am available on email or messenger and will usually reply within a day.


There is no magic number of life coaching sessions. If you are working towards a specific goal and it takes you 6 sessions to get there, then that is where we will leave it. If you start out thinking you have a short-term goal and it ends up extending, we can add more sessions. If you want to keep in contact but reduce the regularity of our catch ups you can do that too. I’m here to accommodate your needs!